The Guidelines
Exceptions to these guidelines may be granted as disability accommodations through Section 504 plans or IEPs when necessary to ensure student access to school and school-sponsored activities. Exceptions may also be granted as part of a student’s health, safety, or other support plan.
K-8 Grade Students:
- All functions within personal wireless communication devices must be silenced and stored away during the school day.
- Dual-purpose watches may be worn at school, but wireless/cellular features must be turned off during the school day (e.g., must be placed in airplane mode).
- Cell phones and wireless communication devices may be used on school buses provided the device does not distract the driver, compromise safety, or violate the Prohibited Content and Use for All Students provisions detailed below.
First Offense - Required Responses
- Student surrenders the wireless communication device.
- Student signs the Student Acknowledgment of Further Consequences Form.
- The device is returned to the student at the end of the class period.
- Teacher/staff member documents the first offense in the Hub using the observation feature and keeps the signed acknowledgment form on file
- If the violation occurs in the hallway the staff member will ask the student to place the device in an envelope with the student’s first and last name. Send the device to the front office for pick up after the next class period.
- If the violation occurs in the cafeteria, the staff member will ask the student to place the device in an envelope with the student’s first and last name for pick up after lunch.
Second Offense - Required Responses
- Student surrenders the wireless communication device.
- Student receives a second warning.
- Teacher/staff member ensures the device is securely moved to the office (or designated location) as soon as practical.
- Teacher/staff member will document the second offense in the Hub using the observation feature.
- Teacher/staff member will notify the parent/guardian via SchoolStatus using the provided templates. The parent will be informed that the next offense (third offense) will result in a disciplinary incident in the Hub.
- The device will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.
Third Offense - Required Responses
- Student surrenders the wireless communication device.
- Teacher/staff member ensures the device is securely moved to the office (or designated location) as soon as practical.
- Teacher/staff member submits a referral for the student in the Hub documenting Category B - Behaviors Related to School Operations (BSO) - Misuse of communication devices.
- Administrator will process the referral, assign the appropriate consequence, and notify the parent.
- Student will complete the Healthy Cell Phone Use module during a lunch detention, after-school detention, restorative reflection, or Saturday school.
- Parent/guardian must show proper identification when retrieving the device from the school office (or designated location) and sign the Parent Acknowledgment of Further Consequences Form.